Eunice Pokuaa Oppon


Eunice Pokuaa Oppong is currently a lecturer in Business Analytics at the Department of Sustainable Futures, University of Exeter Business School, United Kingdom. She is trained in Applied Economics, techno-economic assessment, energy economics, and value-and supply-chain impact assessment within agricultural and energy systems. She was the grant writer and co-principal investigator on the project “Circular Economy in Ghana's Agri-food Value Chain - A Triple Bottom Line Sustainability Assessment” which was implemented by the University of Sheffield, UK in partnership with the Scientific and Industrial Research Food Research Institute (CSIR-FRI) and Gold Coast Sustainability and Governance Institute (GCSGI) of Ghana and funded by the UK Research and Innovation, Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) and Innovate, UK, under the Knowledge Transfer Partnership Programme. She was also the consultant for the Advanced Resource Efficiency Centre (AREC) at the University of Sheffield on a project initiated by the UK Department of Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) in which she analysed the impact of Brexit on food supply chain and international trade in the UK. Eunice holds a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Operations and Supply Chain Management from the University of Sheffield, England, a Master of Science Degree in Applied Economics from the University of Strathclyde, Scotland and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Ghana.

  • Sustainable Supply Chain Management
  • Circular Economy
  • Green Supply chains
  • Data Analytics for Decision making
  • Sustainable Food Production and Consumption
  • Project Management
  • Climate Change Policy
  • Environmental Economics
  • Industrial Ecology
  1. Oppon, Eunice, Adolf Acquaye, Taofeeq Ibn-Mohammed, and Lenny Koh. "Modelling multi-regional ecological exchanges: The case of UK and Africa." Ecological economics 147 (2018): 422-435.
  2. Acquaye, Adolf, Taofeeq Ibn-Mohammed, Andrea Genovese, Godfred A. Afrifa, Fred A. Yamoah, and Oppon, Eunice. "A quantitative model for environmentally sustainable supply chain performance measurement." European Journal of Operational Research 269, no. 1 (2018): 188-205.
  3. Acquaye, Adolf, Kuishuang Feng, Oppon Eunice, Said Salhi, Taofeeq Ibn-Mohammed, Andrea Genovese, and Klaus Hubacek. "Measuring the environmental sustainability performance of global supply chains: A multi-regional input-output analysis for carbon, sulphur oxide and water footprints." Journal of environmental management 187 (2017): 571-585


