Richard Osei Bofah


Richard Osei Bofah is a Development Economist currently working as a Chief Analyst with the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) of Ghana where he coordinates the Voluntary National Review of the Sustainable Development Goals in Ghana. He is the Technical Lead for Ghana’s Human Capital Development Strategy and Future of Work project. Richard is also instrumental in the preparation of some key national documents: Including UN 2030 Agenda and Voluntary National Review Reports, AU Agenda 2063 Report, Medium-Term National Development Policy Framework, Ghana@100, National Annual Progress Reports, Development Monitor, Covid-19 District Recovery Plans. Prior to working with NDPC, Richard worked as a Research Analyst at the New York University, Accra. He also worked as a Principal Research Assistant at the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research of the University of Ghana where he played central role for the development of survey instruments, training and supervision of field workers, budgeting of research projects, analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, writing of reports and dissemination of results.


Richard holds a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Development Economics, a Master of Philosophy Degree in Economics and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics with Mathematics, from the University of Ghana. He also holds an industry Masters Programme in Data Science from Simplilearn (a collaborative programme with IBM). He currently has multiple skills and certificates in the dynamic fields of machine learning and deep learning, cloud computing, etc. Richard was a visiting Doctoral Fellow with the United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER), Helsinki, Finland.


  • Welfare economics: Poverty, inequality, diversification
  • Labour economics: employment, informality, decent work, future of work
  • Sustainability: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), green economy, green jobs
  1. Bofah, R. O., Appiah-Konadu, P. & Ngwu, F. (2022). Transition to Cleaner Cooking Energy in Ghana. Clean Energy, 6(1) 957-966.
  2. Sulemana, I., Bofah, R. O. & Nketiah-Amponsah, E. (2020). Job Insecurity and Life Satisfaction in Ghana. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 41(1), 172-184.
  3. Ackah, C. G. & Bofah, R. O. (2019). The Exporter Wage Premium Hypothesis: An Unconditional Quantile Regression and Decomposition Approach. Journal of African Business, 20(3), 376-391.
  4. Ackah, C., Bofah, R. O. & Asuman, D. (2017). Who are Africa’s Entrepreneurs? Comparative Evidence from Ghana and Uganda. Journal of Development Entrepreneurship, 22(4), 1-23
  • Applied micro econometrics
  • Scientific research
  • Artificial Intelligence - Machine Learning, deep learning/neural networks
  • Visualization
  • Predictive & Prescriptive modelling
  • Data analytics
  • Python programming and Stata