Ernest Darfour


Ernest Darfour is an Officer of the Parliamentary Service of Ghana with over twelve years of experience, providing procedural advice for Members of Ghana’s Parliament, conducting research as well as writing briefs and position papers on various matters relating to the workings of Parliament. working with different Parliamentary Committees. Since he joined Parliament, he has served on number of Parliamentary Committees including Education, Employment, Social Welfare and State Enterprises, Communication, Members Holding Offices of Profit “Cash for Seat” Committee, among others. He was the Clerk to the bribery allegation committee that investigated the Chairman and some Members of the Appointment Committee.

Ernest has participated and delivered papers in a number of local and international conferences. He was part of the Government of Ghana delegation that attended the 99th International Labour Organisation Conference in Geneva, Switzerland in June 2010.  He also participated in 33rd Parliamentary Internship Programme for Foreign Parliaments in New Delhi, India in 2017. He was a participant at Erasmus Intensive Programme on “The Parliaments of Europe in Democracy Promotion and Constitutional Transition” in Rome, Italy in 2014. He has also visited a number of Parliaments in the world including the Parliaments of Uganda, Kenya, UK, Italy and Scotland.

Ernest is a Commonwealth Scholar having received Commonwealth Scholarship for his postgraduate studies in the United Kingdom. He is also a member of the Political Studies Association in the United Kingdom, the Parliaments and Legislatures Study Group in the United Kingdom and the European Consortium of Political Research(ECPR) Specialist Group on Parliament.

Ernest holds a Doctorate Degree in Politics (Legislative Studies) from the University of Hull, a Master’s Degree in Public Administration-International Development and a Master of Science in International Relations from the Universities of York and London respectively. His area of research is in legislative systems in Africa which formed the thrust of his PhD thesis.

His area of research is in legislative systems in Africa which formed the thrust of his PhD thesis.
