Aaron Abuosi


Aaron Abuosi is an Associate Professor of Health Policy and Management in the University of Ghana Business School. He holds a Ph.D in Health Services Management, MBA in Health Services Administration and BA in Nursing and Psychology from the University of Ghana. Prof. Abuosi worked with the Ministry of Health in various capacities, including general nursing, Nursing Tutor, Hospital Administrator and General Manager for close to two decades before transitioning to academia. He has taught, researched, and published extensively on quality of care, patient safety, health insurance, non-communicable diseases, and sexual and reproductive health. He has also supervised several undergraduate and graduate students’ dissertations. Prof. Abuosi has also consulted for the Ministry of Health, the Ghana Health Service, and the World Health Organization on quality of care, patient safety and health financing. He has won several local and international grants for research. He has presented several papers in international conferences and serves as reviewer for several peer reviewed journals. He is an Editorial Board Member of BMC Health Services Research journal, a Fellow of the International Society for Quality in Healthcare (ISQua), a Fellowship Tutor for the ISQua Fellowship programme, a member of Health Systems Global, a member of Sigma, an International Honor Society of Nursing, and a member of Association of Health Services Administrators, Ghana (AHSAG).

  • Health Insurance
  • Quality Improvement in Healthcare
  • patient safety
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health
  • Global Health.

. Priscilla, Y. A., Amertil, N. P., Abuosi, A. A., & Nyonator, D. (2022). Nurses Knowledge and Attitude towards care of older patients: A Cross-sectional study. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 100413

2. Attafuah, P. Y. A., Amertil, N., Sarfo, J. O., Deegbe, D. A., Nyonator, D., Amponsah-Boama, C., & Abuosi, A. A. (2022). ‘I decided to attend to him because it’s my duty’: Student Nurses perception and attitude towards care of older adults. BMC Medical Education, 22(1), 1-7.

3. Abuosi, A. A., Kwadan, A. N., Anaba, E. A., Daniels, A. A., & Dzansi, G. (2021). Number of students in clinical placement and the quality of the clinical learning environment: A cross-sectional study of nursing and midwifery students. Nurse Education Today,108, 105168, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2021.105168.105168.

4. Nkrumah, J., Abuosi, A.A. & Nkrumah, R.B. (2021). Towards a comprehensive breastfeeding-friendly workplace environment: insight from selected healthcare facilities in the central region of Ghana. BMC Public Health 21, 1647. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-11652-5

5. Alhassan, R. K., Nutor, J. J., Abuosi, A. A., Afaya, A., Mohammed, S. S., Dalaba, M. A., ... & Gyapong, J. O. (2021). Urban health nexus with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) preparedness and response in Africa: Rapid scoping review of the early evidence. SAGE open medicine, 9, 2050312121994360.

6. Attafuah, P. Y., Everink, I. H., Halfens, R. J., Lohrmann, C., Abuosi, A. A., & Schols, J. M. (2021). Instruments used to assess quality of life of older adults in African countries: a scoping review. BMC geriatrics, 21(1), 1-11.

7. Azilaku, J., Abor, P., Abuosi, A.A., Anaba, E.A. & Titiati, A. (2021). Relationship between Clinical Governance and hospital performance; a cross-sectional study of Psychiatric hospitals in Ghana. International Journal of Health Governance (Forthcoming).

8. Kumah, E., Abuosi, A. A., Ankomah, S. E., & Anaba, C. (2021). Self-management Education Program: The Case of Glycemic Control of Type 2 Diabetes. Oman Medical Journal, 36(1), e225.

9. Kumah, E., Afriyie, E.K., Abuosi, A. A, Ankomah, S.E., Fusheini, A. & Otchere, G. (2021). Influence of the Model of Care on the Outcomes of Diabetes Self-Management Education Program: A Scoping Review. Journal of Diabetes Research, vol. 2021, Article ID 2969243, 12 pages, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/2969243

10. Anaba, P., Anaba, E. A., & Abuosi, A. A. (2020). Patient satisfaction with perioperative nursing care in a tertiary hospital in Ghana. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance.

11. Anaba, E. A., Abuosi, A. A., Azilaku, J. C., & Nkrumah, J. (2020). Association between health insurance membership and anaemia among children under-five years. Evidence from Ghana. Plos one, 15(9), e0238792.

12. Abuosi, A. A., Akoriyea, S. K., Ntow-Kummi, G., Akanuwe, J., Abor, P. A., Daniels, A. A., & Alhassan, R. K. (2020). Hand hygiene compliance among healthcare workers in Ghana’s health care institutions: An observational study. Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management, 2516043520958579.

13. Daniels, A. A., & Abuosi, A. A. (2020). Improving emergency obstetric referral systems in low and middle income countries: a qualitative study in a tertiary health facility in Ghana. BMC Health Services Research, 20(1), 1-10.

14. Abuosi, A. A., Akologo, A., & Anaba, E. A. (2020). Determinants of patient safety culture among healthcare providers in the Upper East Region of Ghana. Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management, 25(1), 35-43.

15. Alhassan, R.K., Halilu, B., Benin, S.M., Donyor, B.F., Kuwaru, A.Y., Yipaalanaa, D., Nketiah-Amponsah, E., Ayanore, M.A., Abuosi, A.A., Afaya,A., Salia, S.M., and Milipaak, J. (2019). Experiences of frontline nurses with adverse medical events in a regional referral hospital in northern Ghana: a cross-sectional study. Tropical Medicine and Health, 47 (36) https://doi.org/10.1186/s41182-019-0163-8

16. Akologo, A., Abuosi A.A., Anaba, E.A. (2019). A cross-sectional survey on patient safety culture among healthcare providers in the Upper East region of Ghana. PLoS ONE 14(8): e0221208.

17. Abuosi, A.A., & Braimah, M. (2019). Patient satisfaction with the quality of care in Ghana’s health care institutions: a disaggregated approach. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPHM-08-2018-00

18. Nketiah-Amponsah, E., Alhassan, R. K., Ampaw, S., & Abuosi, A. (2019). Subscribers’ perception of quality of services provided by Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme-what are the correlates?. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1), 196.

19. Necku, J. G., Anaba, E. A., & Abuosi, A. A. (2019). Prostate cancer awareness and attitude toward early detection among male soldiers in Ghana: a cross-sectional study. African Journal of Urology, 25(1), 5.

20. Abuosi, A. A. (2019). Exploring options for financial sustainability of Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme. African Journal of Management Research, 26, 120-133.

21. Abuosi, A. A. & Anaba, E. A. (2019). Barriers on access to and use of adolescent health services in Ghana, Journal of Health Research, 33(3),197-207.

22. Anaba, E. A., & Abuosi, A. A. (2018). Assessing health care quality in adolescent clinics, implications for quality improvement. International Journal of Health Governance, 23(4), 269-280.

23. Badasu, D. M., Abuosi, A. A., Adzei, F. A., Anarfi, J. K., Yawson, A. E., & Atobrah, D. A. (2018). Educational status and beliefs regarding non-communicable diseases among children in Ghana. BMC public health, 18(1), 313.

24. Yawson, A.E., Badasu, D.M., Atobrah, D., Anarfi, J.K, Abuosi, A.A., Adzei, F.A. (2017). Non-Communicable Disease in Children in Ghana: Health and Social Burden of Care on Households. Postgraduate Medical Journal of Ghana, 6 (2): 119-124.

25. Abuosi, A. A., Nketiah-Amponsah, E., Abor, J.Y. & Domfeh, K.A. (2016). To what extent does Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme protect members from out-of-pocket payments in hospitals? Ghana Social Science Journal, 13(2), 50-73.

26. Abuosi, A. A., Badasu, D. M., Yawson, A. E., Adzei, F. A., Atobrah, D., & Anarfi, J. K. (2016). Investigation on children with acute non-communicable diseases and their caregivers in developing countries. Journal of Acute Disease, 5(4), 286-295.

27. Abuosi, A. A., Domfeh, K. A., Abor, J. Y., & Nketiah-Amponsah, E. (2016). Health insurance and quality of care: Comparing perceptions of quality between insured and uninsured patients in Ghana’s hospitals. International journal for equity in health, 15(1), 1.

28. Badasu, D. M., Atobrah, D., Adzei, F. A., Abuosi, A. A., Yawson, A. E., & Anarfi, J. K. (2016). Residential Status and Perceived Attitude towards Children with Non-Communicable Diseases in Ghana. SM Journal of Pediatrics, 1(1), 1002.

29. Anarfi, J. K., Badasu, D. M., Yawson, A., Atobra, D., Abuosi, A. A., & Adzei, F. A. (2016). Religious affiliation and health-seeking behavior related to non-communicable diseases among children in Ghana. International Journal of Healthcare, 2(2), p57.

30. Yawson, A. E., Abuosi, A. A., Badasu, D. M., Atobra, D., Adzei, F. A., & Anarfi, J. K. (2016). Non-communicable diseases among children in Ghana: health and social concerns of parent/caregivers. African Health Sciences, 16(2), 378-388.

31. Abuosi, A. A., Adzei, F. A., Anarfi, J., Badasu, D. M., Atobrah, D., & Yawson, A. (2015). Investigating parents/caregivers financial burden of care for children with non-communicable diseases in Ghana. BMC pediatrics, 15(1), 185.

32. Abuosi, A. A. (2015). Patients versus healthcare providers’ perceptions of quality of care: establishing the gaps for policy action. Clinical Governance: An International Journal, 20(4), 170-182.

33. Abuosi, A. A. & Abor, P. A. (2015). Migration Intentions of Nursing Students in Ghana: Implications for Human Resource Development in the Health Sector. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 16 (3), 593-606.

34. Atinga, R. A., Domfeh, K. A., Kayi, E., Abuosi, A.A, & Dzansi, G. (2014). Effects of perceived workplace politics in hospitals on nurses’ behavioural intentions in Ghana. Journal of nursing management, 22(2), 159-169.

35. Effah, J. & Abuosi, A. A. (2013). Standardizing a developing country health information system through proprietary software: Ghana's experience. Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries, 7 (2), 113-127.

36. Abuosi, A. A. & Atinga, R. A. (2013). Service Quality in Health Care Institutions: Establishing the gaps for policy action. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 27 (5), 481-492.

37. Nketiah-Amponsah, E., Arthur, E., & Abuosi, A. A. (2012). Correlates of Contraceptive use among Ghanaian women of Reproductive Age-Recent Evidence. African Journal of Reproductive Health, 16 (3), 155-170.
